" Beauty therapy and massage therapy , all in one place, for all your pampering needs. "
B-pampered started at 2013, specialising in , Massage therapy and beauty therapy.
At B-Pampered we recognise the uniqueness of each individual, and we recognise that the expression of our innate intelligence is only limited by the matter that we are in. ( i.e the materials of the body that make us human).
Our goal is to help you to "B the best you that you can B" and to express health, wellness and vitality at 100% of your potential!
We do this by creating an opportunity for you to receive the exact program of care and pampering you need to make your life a little more comfortable, a little less stressful, a little more beautiful.
Come in and see us to begin your journey to wellness.
B-PAMPERED贝佩儿美容医美会所成立于2013年,在奥克兰拥有东区和北岸两家分店,是一所集美容,美体,医美于一体的连锁机构。拥有会员上千名。是新西兰美容协会会员。我们拥有专业的美容团队,多名中西经验丰富的美容师及新西兰医美注册护士。美容师们拥有并荣获瑞士,英国,新西兰,中国的美容专科资质证书,新西兰本地美甲美睫培训证书,新西兰彩光激光治疗师证书,全球纹绣资格证书, 及新西兰MTS抗衰证书等。本店一直本着专业的技术,用心的呵护为客人提供真诚的服务,我们愿做您贴心的天使,让您越来越美丽自信,期待您的光临!
Mon: 10:00am-6:00pm
Tue: 10:30am - 6:00pm
Wed: 10:30am - 6:00pm
Thurs: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Fri: 10:30am - 6:00pm
Sat: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Sun&Public holiday: closed
东区店 地址:Unit 1 ,28 Torrens Road, Burswood ,Auckland
北岸店 地址:G8,40 Rosedale Road, Rosedale , Auckland
手机: 021823884 0274400151
Email: bpamperedauckland@gmail